Hello singers!
So what we're looking at today is learning the folk song 'Wild Mountain Thyme' otherwise known as 'Will ye go' learning it by ear and then working on changing the melody through our interpretation of the song!
Big thanks to Hackney Rhapsody for making these possible, check out the other amazing things going on at Rhapsody here... www.hackneyrhapsody.co.uk
Warm ups
We're going to start with some simple warm ups, firstly making sure the body is nice and relaxed. Stretching and bringing our attention to the body, our posture and key areas where tension is usually held: the neck, shoulders, lower back and jaw.
Wild Mountain thyme/ Will ye go lassie go
Oh the summer time is coming,
and the trees are softly blooming,
and the wild mountain thyme
blows around the blooming heather,
will ye go lassie go?
[chorus] and we'll all go together,
to pull wild mountain thyme,
all around the blooming heather,
will ye go lassie go?
I will build my love a bower,
by yon clear and crystal fountain,
and around it I will write,
all the flowers of the mountain,
will ye go lassie go?
If my true love she should die,
there would surely be no other,
to pull wild mountain thyme,
all around the blooming heather,
will ye go lassie go?
[chorus] x 2
Will ye go - first verse and backings
Will ye go - all verses (for reference)
Vocal improvisation
These two loops are for you to find some freedom and experiment over a loop, think about using melodies and notes that just spring to mind rather than songs you know. Maybe try experimenting with random notes of any pitch (range/ area of your voice) and see where that leads you!
Free sing
Hope you've enjoyed this, any questions please feel free to email me!